Sunday, January 16, 2022

The Moravians of yesterday ...

Contemporary culture and the western church both have much to learn from the early Moravians. This would include their care and nurture of the unborn. 

As a matter of faith the early Moravians asserted that infants and even embryos have some capacity of faith. Thus the process of socialization and instruction in the Christian faith began in utero

When the pregnancy reached an advanced state the pregnant woman moved into a dormitory set aside for the pregnant sisters. During this time the sisters encouraged each other - and focused their devotional life on the pregnancy of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  

As with so many areas of life the early Moravians had  foresight. Concerning the subject at hand they had the farsightedness to establish a means of caring for the emotional - intellectual - physical - and importantly - the spiritual needs of women with child. In no sense of the word did the early Moravians seek to hurt let alone kill the life in process. 

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