Thursday, May 2, 2019

Tough Love

The Episcopal Church puts forward 1 John 2:18-29 as one of the daily readings for the day I am writing and posting. 

I have a particular affection for 1 John. When studying Koine Greek, the medium of the New Testament, in graduate school we began with 1 John. It is the easiest text to translate. The first word we learned was teknion - “little children.” 

The Apostle John is addressing churches of Asia Minor. His goal is to give direction to believers,  the teknion, that faced dramatic challenges to their faith - even as we do in our day and in our denomination. John, inspired by the Holy Spirit, writes against the false teachers that had infiltrated the church of his era. Would that contemporary clergy speak as boldly to the issue of false teaching in the contemporary church. Alas!

Specific the text we are working with today wants the reader - the hearer to understand the dramatic difference between those that deny Jesus the Messiah - and those acknowledge Him in faith. In short, those who deny Jesus do not have God - the only God - the Holy, Holy, Holy God. This is a New Testament wide message. That is a tough love teaching by John. The Apostle offers the message because he loved his recipients. I am grateful that the Episcopal Church appoints this reading for this day. It is timely. 

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