Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Quote: The first labor strike in Salem

The high cost of living in 1778 was the cause of the first labor "strike" in Salem. A number of young men lived in the Single Brethren's House. They pursued various trades, received a regular salary, took their meals in the common dining hall and paid a fixed price for board. In view of the increased cost of living they requested a larger salary, and expressed a willingness to pay more for their meals. The proper authorities increased the salaries and fixed the price for the meals. The scale did not please the young men. In an evening conference they were admonished to consider these matters in a correct and proper light. A young man spoke rather freely on the subject, and he was advised to seek a wider field in which to use his talents. When the young men returned to the Brethren's House the smoldering fires of discontent broke out, and the next morning they left their work, hoping that the day laborers would follow. Some of the young men went from Salem to Bethabara, others went into the woods, and thus they passed the day. In the evening all were satisfied with the length of the 'one day strike', and returned, humbly asking pardon for their insubordination, and realizing that they had become the laughing stock of the town. 

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