Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Moravian funeral customs

God's Acre in Salem - 1771

Tombstones are washed in advance of Easter

All ages and members of the family tend the markers of those who have gone before. 

Moravian funerals are are characterized by both grief and joy. Moravians like others grieve the loss of loved ones, but they also believe Jesus brings salvation to those who profess his name in faith and trust. Thus they are a hopeful people. Moravian believers say the deceased has “entered into the immediate presence of the Savior.”

One unique characteristic of Moravian funerals is the reading of the Lebenslauf of the deceased. The Lebenslauf is a short account of the deceased’s life. It includes a brief account of the deceased’s faith, and it is meant to be an encouraging example.

Music is a very important part of Moravian funeral traditions. Generally speaking, a volunteer brass band will play music at the gravesite. 

Moravians have simple burial grounds - called God’s Acre. They believe in uniform, plain grave markers to emphasize the equality of all human beings. The dead are buried facing the East as they await the resurrection of the dead at the Second Coming of Jesus. 

Scripture readings are an important part of church functions. Favorite passages of the deceased may be used as part of the funeral. 

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